Learn the most effective credit disputing techniques from six industry experts with premium recorded content from our extremely successful event!
Led by credit repair industry leader Mark Clayborne, you will receive training on the credit disputing methods that get unmatched results for your clients.
Over 7 Hours of Comprehensive Online Recording
Including Downloadable Audio Transcripts and Speakers' Slideshows
When you register for the Credit Dispute Summit Replay, you get full access to high quality audio and video from our six renowned speakers directly through our online learning portal.
With easy-to-follow audio transcripts and slideshows of the summit, you can download the learning materials to boost your credit dispute knowledge wherever you go!
Register for Unlimited Access to the Online Dispute Summit Replay Now
When you make the decision to become an expert in credit disputing, you will open up endless possibilities that can accelerate business growth by delivering the best services to your clients.
Take Advantage of the Experience and Expertise to Learn at Your Own Pace Anytime and Anywhere
Our premium recordings, including the downloadable audio transcripts and speakers' slideshows, mean that you can learn everything you need to know so you can:
- Interview your client to learn the right information before beginning the dispute process.
- Understand credit reports to identify inaccurate information.
- Leverage the dispute system to optimize your results.
- Craft dispute letters that maximize impact.
- Use our 6-Step Factual Dispute Machine process to help clients.
- Learn everything you need to know about challenging an inaccurate bankruptcy.
- How and when to involve an attorney in the credit disputing process.
- Hire an outsourcer for disputing to get the best results for your clients.
What is the Online Dispute Summit Replay?
The Online Dispute Summit was a remarkable event that included 6 top credit dispute experts teaching attendees their secrets to successfully challenging inaccurate information.
The replay is all the content from that seminar organized in an online learning platform that includes videos, audio and slides.
Who should watch the summit replay?
If you are looking to stand apart from the credit repair competition by learning the most effective credit dispute methods, then this is for you!
Why should I get the recordings?
Because this is your only chance to see live footage of 6 experts sharing the knowledge that has taken them to the top of the credit repair industry.
The attendees at the summit could not believe how helpful the information was for their own credit repair businesses. Now, you get that same information without having to travel to the summit!
How much content is in the summit replay?
There are over 7 hours of high quality video and audio recordings from Mark Clayborne and the additional five guest speakers.
In addition to the video and audio footage, there are also information slides and audio transcripts that are available for download.